• Adrienne Elrod is a 43 year-old Caucasian political strategist, businesswoman and entrepreneur
• She was born in Siloam Springs, Arkansas and her parents are attorneys
• She has held a number of important political positions since 1998, and is currently the chief of staff to the US House of Representatives
• She has her own communications firm, Elrod Strategies, and appears on TV channels such as CNN and Fox News
• She is a staunch supporter of the Democratic party, and spends her free time with her dog, skiing and hiking

Who is Adrienne Elrod?

Born under the sign of Cancer on the 25th of June 1976, in Siloam Springs, Arkansas USA, Adrienne Elrod is a 43 year-old Caucasian political strategist, businesswoman and entrepreneur. She is perhaps most familiar worldwide due to her very frequent exposure across media outlets, most recently owing to her position as the chief of staff to the US House of Representatives. She’s also held a number of other important political positions over the course of her sometimes lucrative career since 1998.

Early life and education: An apple of the tree

Adrienne grew up apparently an only child in her birth state, raised by her father John R Elrod, and her mother Georgia Harris Elrod, both attorneys.


As a child, she developed an interest in politics and law early on, mostly thanks to her parents’ influence and their connections, one example being her father’s friendship with former US President Bill Clinton since their teens up to the present-day, and her mother’s cherished connection with his wife Hillary Clinton. As for her education, Adrienne attended Siloam Springs High School, from where she matriculated in 1994, then enrolled into the Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, graduating with a bachelor of arts degree in journalism in 1998. She planned on getting an education in law later, but never got around to it.

Career: Favored by the favored

Elrod had no employment prior to graduation, but immediately after which she became a White House executive assistant to the President, for Intergovernmental Affairs. She spent two years garnering experience in this position, then submitted her resignation in 2000. There isn’t much info about the next three years of her career, though she’s believed to have waited for the perfect job offer while honing her knowledge. In October 2003 she joined Congressman Mike Ross’ team as communications director, and the next year went on a leave of absence to serve as the campaign manager for the re-election campaign of Congressman Nick Lampson.

Adrienne returned to her previous position in 2005, and left it in May of that year, until the following May she was appointed regional press secretary of the Democratic congressional campaign committee. In January 2007 Elrod was employed as the deputy chief of staff for a congress member, leaving these positions near the end of the year, and up until June 2008, took part in aiding Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign. Her career loses trace here up until 2013, at which point she became the chief of staff to the US House of Representatives.

Helping an old friend

In 2015 Adrienne was taken into Hillary Clinton’s team of close campaign associates.

She was a staunch supporter of the 42nd US President’s wife in the 2016 US Presidential election, but abandoned the group after Clinton’s loss to the Republican Donald Trump. Still, she retained her aforementioned position, which she has in 2019 as well.

Venturing into business

In 2018 Elrod decided to build a company of her own, and thus started up Elrod Strategies – a communications firm that manages influencer engagement and strategic communications for non-profit and corporate clientele. She has been its president since inception, and in 2019 this is probably her greatest source of income. She can occasionally be seen on television channels such as CNN, FOX News and MSNBC. She also appears on Fox News Sunday as a panelist, which does add to her influence and thus earnings.

Adrienne Elrod

The democratic scandal

Being a Democrat, especially one who closely collaborated with Hillary Clinton, Adrienne recently had to state her opinion on the behavior of an alleged sexual predator, who according to the testimony of more than 10 women, disrespected them in various ways with allusions to sexual assault. The man in question is Mark Halperin, and as can be read in Washington Examiner’s article, Elrod had a few things to say about the newfound truth. She, like most other Democrats, sought to distance herself from the embarrassment Halperin caused to the party.

Love life: Who is her husband?

So, does this entrepreneur have a partner? Many have wondered who Adrienne’s boyfriend or husband could be, in fact whether she has one.

To the present-day, no credible source is able to answer this question, since Elrod chose not to disclose such information, although she’s never been seen in public with a possible suitor. Until she decides to open up to the public about her romantic involvements, the fans aren’t even keen on speculating regarding this topic – on television, she was asked one time about her relationship status. Elrod skillfully avoided this question, and remains silent on the matter. She resides supposedly alone at an undisclosed location in Fayetteville, Arkansas with a dog named Bernie.

What does she like besides politics?

In her free time, Adrienne enjoys spending time with her dog, often posting pictures with it on social media.

She has a strong affinity for wintry regions, regularly spending vacations in ski resorts and mountain cottages. Elrod also finds pleasure in hiking and cycling, as well as Bikram Yoga. Soul Cycle is a New York-based company with over 15 studios in the country, one of which Adrienne visits on a weekly basis, keeping up-to-date with their social media posts too. The entrepreneur likes getting up early and sticking to a strict daily schedule, part of which is her controlled, healthy diet. One of her guilty pleasures is beer, specifically Stella Artois, and she enjoys it the most after a long cycle ride.

The duality

In September 2019 Elrod collaborated with Republican political strategist Susan Del Percio to create an NBC News article about political networking and career success.

In it, the two advisors of opposing parties shared their expertise on the matter of elevating one’s name in politics, both offering invaluable advice to those just entering the political scene, with a heavy focus on the female part of this group.

Her thoughts on a like-minded woman

In August 2019 US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand officially dropped out of the 2020 Presidential race, which then piqued the interest of the public, casting a spotlight on the achievements she hoped to attain in the long run. According to an article by Fortune, Elrod was one of the first officials to comment on Gillibrand’s efforts, saying ‘She brought a vice to women, helping to  give them a voice on economic security, reproductive rights, really honing in on and focusing on women.’

Adrienne Elrod

What is Adrienne Elrod’s net worth?

So, have you been interested in how rich Adrienne might be? The most authoritative sources suggest that Elrod’s current wealth is well over $1 million, as of mid-2024, earned by offering advice to famous US politicians throughout her career, and as of recently to running her own company as well. She is still going strongly in the business, and her net worth will definitely grow.

Body measurements

What do you think could be the height of the popular businesswoman?

Adrienne is 5ft 6ins (167cm) tall, but her weight and vital statistics are unknown, though her body shape is generally described as fit. She has bright blond hair, light blue eyes, and a generally pale but tanned complexion.

Social media presence

How popular could Elrod be on social media, considering the fact that she needs to maintain a public profile? To keep as much public support as she can possibly garner, thus boosting her future campaign assistance and influence, Adrienne seems to be quite active on all three of the most popular social media platforms. Her Facebook profile is private, her Twitter account has almost 20,000 fans, and her Instagram nearly 3,000 followers.


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